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    Usa "fling away" in una frase

    fling away frasi di esempio

    fling away

    1. Spitting venom into the face of kindness, shuffling away, unable to take his eyes off the porthole window to the main mortuary room, Billy had lashed out one more time and spurned this small moment of human kindness

    2. She ducked another hay-maker, then countered with a solid left upper-cut that doubled him over and sent him scuffling away gasping for breath

    3. I can hear the old bugger snuffling away in that way of his--]

    4. The audience was not the only one using up the rain forests, this reader was sniffling away too

    5. The bashing on the door stopped then, and I heard the zombie shuffling away

    6. He is willing to fling away the worn-

    7. Like a man half-awake in an agony of pain, he wanted to tear out, to fling away the aching place, and coming to his senses, he felt that the aching place was

    8. ‘Should he slip through some gateway and wait somewhere in an unknown street? No, hopeless! Should he fling away the axe? Should he take a cab? Hopeless, hopeless!’

    9. Oh, he saw that till the very last moment the man had not known he would crumple up and fling away the notes

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